CareMeridian is the company i'm employed though it mainly focuses in providing rehabilitative care for admitted residents/patients consisting of pediatric,adolescents and adults recovering from acute spinal injuries, and or illnesses ranging from moderate to severe injuries.
I must tell tell, it was about a few months wait for this opportunity to finally come through between patiently awaiting for state back ground process to come through. But i must say, well worth the wait!! As it will allow me to gain an opportunity to learn of each resident and help provide them with hands on material specific to their abilities and disabilities in hopes to help them further thrive and progress throughout their recoveries.
But most importantly, I'd say that the most rewarding part of this job is how each individual serves me as an example and a daily inspiration. It's amazing to find how in such short period i'm truly blown away! and super impressed by their own true "Grit". As Perseverance takes on to a whole newer level.
Life lesson learned this week.
Mrs. Diane (recovery unit resident)
Quote: " It's not about what life throws at you. It's about how you tackle it!" Best part is to later find you've only truly LIVED through it.